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Empowering others


Microsoft’s mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more.


Microsoft is dedicated to advancing human and organizational achievement.





Microsoft believe that technology can and should be a force for good and that meaningful innovation can and will contribute to a brighter world in big and small ways.


A woman wearing a HoloLens 2 headset works on a piece of machinery.


Diversity and inclusion


Microsoft always thrives on diverse voices. The company always engages its employees and customers experiences, strengths, and different points of view to inform, challenge, and stretch it’s thinking. This is how innovations are done.


A group of artists looking at a laptop



Corporate Social Responsibility


Microsoft believe that technology is a powerful force for good and are working to foster a sustainable future where everyone has access to the benefits and opportunities created by technology.


Women in pink scrubs posing in a doorway for a photo



Artificial Intelligence


Microsoft believe that when designed with people at the centre, AI can extend capabilities, free up for more creative and strategic endeavours, which will result in end users and organisations achieving more.


A man stands looking out over a body of water.